Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's Just Scrabble, Nothing More

I play internet scrabble like it is nobody's beeswax. But here's something:

Enough with the pillow talk, Scrabble partner. No more chit-chat.

Seriously. I'm here for the Scrabble. That's all.

Look, I don't want anything more and I ask nothing in return but that you play with me. I don't want to get serious. I don't want to answer your questions. None of this "Where u from?" and "So, what r ur hobbyz?" I thought we understood each other. I thought I 'd made things clear. We're just going to play. That's all. Then we'll probably never meet again, but for those 25 minutes plus one extra penalty minute if one of us runs out of time, we'll be together. After that, I don't know you from the next guy.

Oh yeah, that's right. There will be others just like you. Others wanting more than I want to give them, more than I can give them. And I'll tell them the same thing I'm telling you: you can't have me. No one can. I'm like that blazing red triple letter score box. You think I'm within reach, but really, I'm unattainable. You might as well not even try. Yeah, I know you have a Z. What do you think I am, stupid? But you can't do anything with it, so just forget it. It's better for us both if you play the game and when it's over, just forget all about me.

Also, since we're talking, "QUAI" is NOT a word, no matter what you say. You know what is? JERK.


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