Thursday, October 20, 2005

That Said, On to Another TV-Themed Post

Some notes on two reality shows:

It's quite interesting to watch Survivor: Guatemala because everyone's speech patterns are totally insane. This one guy, Judd, a regualr joe/potty-mouthed dock worker/oafish Shrek type character (or "person," I guess I should say, since this is ABSOLUTE REALITY) kept repeating the words "damn" and "man" during tribal council, and I mean they were literally every other word. Then, Jeff "Celebrity Jeopardy" Probst asked Judd's team about sportsmanship, and I dont think a single person used the word, and variations of it, correctly.

"I don't think we're unsportsman." Huh?

"I'm good sportsman." Fuh?

"Judd is not a very sportsman-like." ZUH?

At first I just thought they were all very stupid (naturally) but then I realized that their bodies are starving and as a result, they're totally disoriented, light-headed, and probably aren't producing enough brain chemicals to come up with interesting or correct things to say. Moreover, it's only a matter of time before their body systems start shutting down or breaking down their own tissues. That is, if the process hasn't already begun.

Also, they do seem quite stupid.

Speaking of noticing things about ridiculous people on reality television shows, has anyone gotten a load of the people on The Apprentice? About 80% of them are at least above average in attractiveness, and the other 20% are basically average. First of all, I've worked in a few offices in my day and they were all EOUE (Equal Opportunity Ugly Employer) environments. Second, this information is vital to my new theory that they find the tasks difficult because they've never had to work that hard at their jobs since they're good-looking and can thus skate by on their physical attributes alone. I'm pretty confident about this theory. I think it works, although it contradicts the fact that the buttugliest are the first to be fired, or as I like to say, "the ugg-os are the first to guh-go!"

Um, yeah. I''m pretty much the lamest person ever.


Blogger Rita said...

I was reading ur blog. i didnt know anderson cooper was gay. :( i liked him. anyway... it's just funny how people trick you.
and you are right: you type too much about tv. (i dont have one... which sux but it's ok. i learn to avoid DH, Lost and all that crap!)
have a good weekend!

8:44 PM  
Blogger K said...


9:13 AM  

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