Wednesday, January 18, 2006


The title of this post refers to the miscellaneous nature of said post. I don't think that was correct english.

Has anyone else noticed the variation in Sawyer's hair color on Lost? This is totally *nerd alert* but he definitely had like 4-inch dark brown roots lat "ep." Also, a friend pointed out to me that Daniel Dae Kim is kinda hot. I concur with this. Also, that figure skating show on ABC looked alright (because like a true nerd, I find figure skating somewhat fun/interesting to watch, but not as a sport, because I don't think it is a sport. Thanks in advance for the hater-mail on that one), but there's no chance I, or many others for that matter, will be watching it since the entire world watches Lost anyway. Another thing: what's with switching Jack's wife with that actress from Ed who's on Boston Legal now? Can't someone circulate a memo about how her appearance on a show is the visual quivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me? Someone get on her removal from television because I , an extremely mean person, demand it. Once I was watching the USA network and this weird movie came on that she was in that was basically some vision of the future on a planet (or maybe it was actually earth) where there were no men and all women were lesbians. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? No, I didn't just make that up, and I resent the implication.

Five minutes ago I almost ate a fly for the second time in my life. This time was much less gross than the first time, when the fly was a frozen corpse embedded in an ice cream cone that I was slowly licking. I can only thank God that a)It was chocolate ice cream and not, say, cookies and cream, and b) for the first time in my life I actually licked the ice cream cone instead of just straight-up eating it, and I credit that technique with revealing the fly, which I could have just gobbled down and thought was a chocolate chip or something (which reminds me of all the other times in my life I've been eating something that "wasn't supposed to be crunchy" and then I bit down on something crunchy and rationalized it away; those were all probably frozen solid flies, too, most likely). This time it was just kind of close to something else I was going to eat, but not actually touching it. The first time, I can definitely say that though I avoided eating the fly itself, I definitely ate some quality insect-infused ice cream, so you know, I've got that going for me.

I sort of feel like whatever the original plans for the current/next season of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition were, they should be scrapped and thay should just rename the show Extreme Makeover: New Orleans. This way, instead of building like an in-home movie theater for some one-armed guy and his family, they could like, actually rebuild New Orleans. Has anyone had this idea already?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw man, Lanyard told me that story and I am appalled, but not surprised. The ice cream freezer doodad is not secure enuff. Once my friend Maxie had a spoon in her mouth and was leaning over the freezer to get some ice cream, and someone made her laugh, and she still had the spoon in her mouth so a monumental amount of spit dripped out of her mouth and directly into the vanilla ice cream. Priceless.

10:46 PM  
Blogger lanyard said...

A. I don't remember telling squidproquo that story, but that don't mean it din happa, baby.

B. Once I got an iced coffee from the nearby deli, which is nicknamed the Roach Deli (a moniker whose irony will become apparent in a moment). So I'm drinking my delish iced coffee, enjoying it, rockin' and rollin' and whatnot. I get down to the sugary dregs, happen to glance down at the straw, and what do I see? A DEAD FLY LODGED IN THE STRAW. It was only by the grace of gaia that I didn't suck it directly into my mouf, but I was left with the knowledge that I had been enjoying fly-infused iced coffee that whole time. I didn't know whether to barf or laff. In the end, I laffed. But inside I was hurling.

Good thing that fly was fat and got Augustus-Glooped.

8:07 AM  
Blogger K said...

Aren't flies DISGUSTING!

Also, the fly in my ice cream was totally embedded in the industrial ice cream tub and not a product of a loose-lidded freezer that is accessible to many, though now that I think about it, that freezer is a big box of disgusting possibilities.

12:03 PM  
Blogger lanyard said...

Flies truly are DISGUSTING.

Also, industrial freezers should definitely have at least sneeze-guards over them, somehow; there are so many things that could fall in there! Aside from the whole "what the shit happens in a factory? who knows?" factor. This whole thing reminds me of those figures about food hygiene, and how on average you consume 50 roach legs and 7 flies and 35 jellyfish (or whatever) due to "acceptable filth levels" for food products. Again I say: spanks, FDA!

On the other hand, I sure as eff don't want to grow my own food, so I will grin and bear it.

(Bears, too. Over the course of a year, you swallow an average of 3 bears during nighttime sleep.)

12:40 PM  
Blogger lanyard said...

P.S. Those obviously made-up statistics I quoted were on an annual basis. Not a per-moonpie basis.


12:41 PM  
Blogger K said...

Again, my word verification:

...which is what I said when I stubbed my toe the other day.


12:50 PM  

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