Thursday, August 11, 2005

My bookmarks

While wasting my life on the internet recently, I encountered an interesting page that I knew I would want to have further dealings with soI bookmarked the page. I guess a "bookmark" used to be a slip of paper or other "notion" that one would place between the pages of something called a "book;" I'm not really 100% on it. It's been a while since I've read one, that's for sure! In this case, I'm referring to an option on my internet browser that enables me to save a particular web address in a pull-down menu for quick reference later. Technology!

Incidentally, this got me thinking about my other bookmarks. I seem to have amassed quite a long list of sites that I thought were important for some reason or another. Some are old, some are new, but the point is this: the list has become quite extensive. Like an old mix tape discovered in an old backpack in an old closet, or a time capsule found in a time machine, I saw great potential for nostaligic rumination upon things that were, at best, only mildly diverting.

Without further ado, here's an actual sampling:
This is Demetri Martin's weeklong diary on Awesome and funny, it'll stay on the list.
The website of a strange, parisian folk-style band. My dad heard their stuff and wanted me to find their cds on the internet so he could play them in his restaurant. I ignored his intitial request to do this because I'm an asshole. Then he gave me a big lecture about how disappointed he is in me and that I never help him, which is terrible since he's really old and sort of alone and infirm. Cd bought! Dad: 1; Me: 0. I think I'll delete this one from the mix.
Boring, I know. This is where I look for new apartments, jobs, bikes, garage sales, babysitters, friends, and sofas. In fact, I look for them in every city. I'm a polygamist with lives and wives across our great country as well as in belfast and london! Also, the casual encounters page is not to be missed. People post photos of actual genitals!
This came with my computer. Sneaky. Oops, I accidentally revealed that I don't have a mac. Now I'll never be cool. I might as well be padding around the house in Totes Toasties and a caftan.
Hmmm...that's interesting.
I literally have like 80 spyware and adware removal sites. You know, nobody tells you about computer rape.
THIS. IS. THE. COOLEST. WEBSITE. EVER. I am absolutely not kidding. In fact, I sometimes wish that society as a whole would get extremely serious and stop using hyperbole, sarcasm, or any form of irony just so I could be free to make statements that would be correctly interpreted. Why doesn't everyone get on that, huh? Click on "animations." Trust me, you had no idea ears were so awesome.
Need I say more? This website somehow survived even though I've since renounced processed sugar. I can dream.
This is a listing of stores in the US that carry paper goods by a British company called Sukie, which produced the beloved agenda that SOMEBODY STOLE FROM ME RECENTLY. In a desperate attempt to purchase the identical and hard-to-find agenda, I looked up their website, only to be disappointed by a long shipping wait and outdated links. The point is, my new Duane Read agenda is totally awesome and I literally cannot live without it. It's about the size of an encyclopedia and double the weight.
This is a google search I did on Scientology. I wanted to know what all the fuss was about without having to read Dianetics. This was prompted by: a) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and b) an A&E special I saw on cults that discussed scientology at great length. The search is yours. Reap the fruits of my labor!
This is much more recent; I intern and take classes here because it's an excellent place and because I love "tutelage."

Wow, that was envigorating. It was like having my life flash before my eyes, but with a computer. I'm glad I could share it with all 2 of you. Stay tuned for updates as my bookmarks grow to even more epic proportions.


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