Thursday, September 08, 2005

Invite Them Up Is My Favorite Thing in This Country

I would say that even if our country wasn't balanced precariously on the edge of oblivion. When in Rome, fall as the Romans did!

Last night at Rififi was extra sweet because it wasn't ABSURDLY crowded, as is so often the case these days.

Fire eating?! Or was it blowing? Who cares, it's fucking fire. Bobby Tisdale proved he's more than just a man and a comedian; he can also perform the same feats as any other seasoned "Carnie."

I'm not talking about this Carnie.

The line-up was not to be missed. Fresh off the boat from BOTH the Edinburgh Fringe and Bumbershoot Festivals was Eugene Mirman, who regaled all with stories of the press he recieved in Scotland and a curious interview in Chicago involving children, puppets and darkness. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard since the last time I saw him.

Aziz Ansari was also fresh from Bumbershoot and he did a great set. What's better than an impromptu trip to Sacramento? How about a botched trip to San Francisco? Or an unneccessary trip to LaGuardia? Aziz, you are not a retard. Really. Everyone should go see Aziz's show, Aziz Ansari Punched A Wall, tonight at the UCB Theatre, as it may be the last time it's performed for a while. I SAID GO(UPDATE: Saw it; was awesome).

Perhaps the best moment of the evening was Todd Barry identifying a fellow in the audience who has apparently been following his show across the country Grateful Dead tour bus-style. "Do you have like a blog, or anything?" Mr. Barry asked. CLASSIC!

Todd Barry, if you read my blog, I think my head would explode.


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