Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Insert Inappropriate Comment Containing the Phrase "Tickle the Ivories"

Yesterday I saw John Tesh at the Starbucks on Crosby (Spring?) Street. He sat across from me in one of the comfy armchairs for about 2 hours. He also had a large LeSportSac-style weekender bag complete with a whimsical print that was quite...fanciful.

That is a handsome man.

I'm averaging about 2 celebrities per week since I moved here; the last one was Heather Graham in Union Square. I have arrived, ladies and gentlemen.

Probably my favorite sighting (not counting the Tesh action, of course) was a homeless-looking David Straithairn in Grand Central Station. He looked like he needed an Italian BMT, a couple of bucks and a warm bed for the night. Also, I couldn't give him any of those things. Sorry, Strathy.

John Tesh was also with a young girl that I'm guessing was his daughter because there was quite a resemblance. She was BEAUTIFUL. He was also reading a very large book for a long time. Hey everyone, remember Enteratinment Tonight before it became like a weird, ADD, television show equivalent of a hopped-up and manic Tom Cruise? I think I actually used to watch it.

I totally HEART Mary Hart.


Blogger lanyard said...

Hey, fromember when you told that story about the guy who played Father Karras in the Exorcist in a Kmart upstate? Can you tell that again? Was Tesh huge in real life? He looks like he'd be huge in real life.

7:19 PM  

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