Friday, September 02, 2005

Let's Stop Fooling Around and Help Those People for Eff's Sake

So more and more disturbing information is coming out about what's happening in New Orleans.

I think there needs to be a lot more done for these people than what is being done right now.

After everything is at least under control, and plenty of aid has been and continues to be provided, THEN we can all start blaming the president/city officials/general "government/etc.

Oh, wait a second, anyone interested in learning more about what's happening and what they can do about it should absolutely tune in to ABC right now to watch The View, because Meredith Viera just posed a very important question:

"How many of you, honestly, have fallen for a smooth-talking man with a pick-up line?"

Thank God we're all on the same page. Pitiful.

UPDATE: the apiary has a listing of benefit shows for hurricane relief that all should check out.

UPDATE, AGAIN: Upon rereading this entry, I realize how horribly inadequate it is to describe what's happening. I have the luxury of a temporary mental checkout on this one, and I don't even have a reason to want to do that because I'm not actually in the shit. Very sad.


Blogger lanyard said...

Au contraire, mon frere: your post is totally right on without being strident and annoying (like oh, say, mine). Biting without being longwinded or sucktastic: quintessential Kathy. I hate the bitches on The View. Once at Thanksgiving I saw Meredith Viera get turned away from a crowded Amtrak train in Providence, just like the rest of us common people, and I felt joy in my small, mean little heart. Celebrities: choke on your comeuppance!

11:31 PM  

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