Sunday, October 23, 2005

Cold Stone Doesn't Like Stone Cold Bitches

There is a place. It is called "Cold Stone Creamery." I hate this place. Sort of. I mean, come on, their concoctions are totally delicious.

I went there for a friend's birthday and decided not to get anything because though Cold Stone is delicious, I have made too many caloric indiscretions as of late to enjoy one of their treats in good conscience. However, don't try to enter a Cold Stone and refrain from partaking because the "helpful" staff there really doesn't like that.

Look, I know what overly-solicitous service is. I worked at a restaurant. But seriously, stop asking me if I'm sure I don't want anything. I'm sure. I'm so sure, I'll show you the backs of my thighs and then maybe YOU'LL ALSO BE SURE; more sure than you've ever been about anything in your sixteen-year existence on this planet.

I know you really want to pound some ice cream around on that slab for me, but I'M REALLY NOT INTERESTED. REALLY.

And you can stop singing, please.


Blogger lanyard said...

Heeeeeeeeeey! We got a tip! (insane singing and bopping) I laffed so hard at the "I know you really want to pound some ice cream around on that slab for me" thing. It really is a violent and somewhat disturbing process to watch. I'm always like, "Oh, oh geez. What did it ever do to you? It's just a delicious iced-dairy confection. Can I have extra Reese's in there? And soul pain?"

10:32 AM  

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