Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm a Gawker, I'm a Stalker, I'm a Gawker Stawker

A few eves ago, I happened to be walking by the Stadium Theater in Union Square (or, you know, whatever it's really called) and so I made the impromptu decision to see Saw II. I guess I really felt like mentally checking out for 2 hours. My succint yet on-target review can be seen in the previous post.

Anyway, as I was walking in, I saw Sam Rockwell walk into the theater with a pretty lady. I lost him while buying my tickets (why does anyone buy tickets on the actual line anymore? GET WITH IT) but then ended up riding the up-escalator right behind him and the aforementioned pretty lady. Sadly, our paths diverged when he and his companion boarded a second up-escalator, probably to see something more intellectual like Good Night and Good Luck, while I deboarded to find my theater so that I could watch a killer named jigsaw terrorize a New Kid on the Block (BTW, Donnie Wahlberg would probably "saw" someone if they invoked NKOTB).

Hey Sam Rockwell:

Don't judge me.

In fact, why don't you drop that skinny lady and dance with me.

Seriously, was he or was he not so good in Charlie's Angels? What a good dancer.

In person, he's much more "sophisticated," even if I did witness him flip someone off for reasons unspecified.

For real, though, Charlie's Angels was brawsome.


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