Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Totally. Now I'm Completely Confident In Your Abilities.

I'm poor and on medicaid. So, I see a student dentist at one of our major urban universities instead of a real dentist.
The following exchange occurred between me and my student dentist today:

Me: "I'm fine. A little stressed out about my midterms, though. One was really hard."

Him: "Well, do you have to do well, or can you just pass?"

Me: "Um...I have to do well" (puzzled facial expression, increased heart rate).

Then I allowed him to expose me to radiation and put sharp metal instruments into my mouth.


Blogger Chris Serico said...

I'm reminded of a Mel Brooks quote that appeared at the start of a book of "The Far Side" cartoons:

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."

Thanks for volunteering your mouth for my laughter in a mildly creepy ventriloquist-dummy way. I'm sure you, too, would have laughed if it weren't for all those infernal tools jabbing at your gums.

10:48 PM  

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