Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I Was Going to Title This Post "Dream Theater" But I Didn't Want Some Googler to Think I Was Into That Weirdo Band

So I guess I don't need to keep bugging people to see either the play or the movie Rent because I somehow constructed a faithful version of it in my head last night whilst alseep. I know, and I've never even seen it! The coolest thing about it was that it apparently stars myself, my old manager from Urban Outfitters, and Hollywood from the Mannequin movies. Sounds good to me! Come to think of it, there were a lot of naked mannequins now that I'm remembering. It was weird because I'm a terrible singer in real life, and this was also true in the dream, but when I would start to really "belt," the people around me were still totally into it. A lot of it seemed to take place in an elevator. Well, isn't actually seeing Rent just one less thing I have to do now.

This reminds of me of that time I had a psycho dream about Kevin Spacey and Mary Kaye Place having sex in a car that went off a covered bridge and into a river. What? Also, they were senators. This is all true, by the way (that I had the dream). I somehow combined Chappaquiddick with...something, and I guess that's what came out. When I was having the dream, it seemed so cinematic and awesome. When I woke up, it just seemed weird. You know, like it does now.

My tea's too hot to drink. I hate that.


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