Sunday, September 11, 2005

There is a PARTICULARLY Good Episode of Family Matters on Right Now

And I mean particularly good.

It seems that Laura, cousin Waldo (an excellent addition to the cast, btw) and Steve Urkell are all signed up for the same "Home Economics" class.

-Waldo, thought to be a simpleton in all other respects, finds he has a calling in cooking.
-By learning to "slow down and organize," Laura learns that she can cook an edible meal
-Steve Urkell has NO cooking ability and thus turns to science, inventing a special quick-rising yeast that predictably malfunctions, causing goo to pour out of his oven (yes, they all roll in it, "accidentally")
-some uptight white bitch harasses Laura, surprisingly, sans racial eptithets (this was prime time, after all)

All in all, an EXCELLENT episode. Also, it was probably directed by Jason Bateman (*sigh*). Is there anything that dude can't do?

Excuse me, but they're rolling in the goo again.


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