Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Natural Deoderant + Previously-Worn Shirt = Embarrassment

Look, I sweat a lot.

So someone told me that the aluminum in deoderant can cause breast cancer. Does anyone know if this is true? I'll get the FactFinders on it (they're a group of starving Great Danes I keep locked in a room with a lexus/nexus database). It makes sense to me since some of the more "intense" brands, like Degree and Sure, smell like actual mineral ore. Anyway, I was using Tom's Natural Deoderant (which my mother once accidentally referred to as "Uncle Tom's Deoderant," which I laughed at until...forever), but I couldn't stomach the fact that even the unscented "flavor" smelled the way froot loops taste, as do almost all of the other ones, except for Calendula, which smells like Patchouli, Haggis and pinecones. Then I saw this Adidas brand deoderant that didn't have aluminum and still smelled like regular deoderant, so I decided to give it a try. I should have known not to trust my sweat glands to a company that makes polyester track suits and sneakers.

Now it seems that everytime I use said deoderant, it makes my armpits smell like Cool Ranch Doritos. I am not kidding. It's quite jarring, in fact. I don't want my underarms to smell like food. Any food. Ever. Now I don't know what to do. I hate being smelly (I rail against that type of thing in others and I certainly won't accept it for myself), but I also don't want to cancerize my busom. Sweating really does "stink."


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