Sunday, June 22, 2008

Manipulation Successful

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Listen, I've Spent A Lot of Time On the Internet

And Andy Samberg is just funnier than he appears on SNL, trust me.

Dramatic Tension, Thy Name is King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters

My friend Jenny used to make this hilarious sound whenever she wanted to denote that someone was a nerd (you know, like, for caring too much about something or being really into electronics; whatever), and it consisted of this sort of extended noise that sounded like a cross between a human's impression of an elephant sound and a whistle with an accompanying eye-roll. Well, I was definitely doing that for the first 20 minutes of King of Kong, after which, I lapsed into an awed silence. Seriously, I cried at one point.

See it!

It's a tad manipulative in its treatment of Steve Wiebe, but DAMN is it a good piece of celluloid.