You Know What Really Burns My Ass?
----My Dad
Seriously though, something that really annoys me is when I accidentally do something SOME PEOPLE might call "rude" (i.e., it's debatable and based on personal opinion whether it was actually rude or not), realize my mistake, GO OUT OF MY WAY TO APOLOGIZE TO THE PERSON, and then the person I'm apologizing to takes that opportunity to make me feel worse about it instead of just accepting my apology. This ESPECIALLY bothers me because the mistake I made was minor and not general rudeness or carelessness. See, I had to go to a certain room, and I thought the only way to get there was to walk through another room that a teacher was giving a lesson in, so I walked quietly through the room without disturbing anyone and was specifically careful to walk around the children and not just barrel right through them. Then, when I saw there was another door, I went back and apologized to the teacher, who then told me that what I had done was "bizarre" and accused me of having walked "right through the children," which I DEFINITELY DIDN'T DO. I literally said three times, "I didn't know there was another door. I'm new here," but there was no stopping her from putting me in my place. In my mind, the exchange sounded like the following:
Me: "I'm sincerely sorry for making what amounts to a minor faux-pas, maybe, earlier today. I literally did not possess any knowledge that would have prevented me from doing so."
Other person: "YES, it was TOTALLY WEIRD, STUPID and RIDICULOUS to do what you did earlier. Since I am, in essence, an unhappy and self-centered person, I'd like to pretend it was a mistake of the highest order and let my obvious decision that you are the ultimate idiot serve as the harshest shaming device possible, even as you are clearly attemtping to sincerely apologize. Feel free to comfort yourself with the notion that I am only one person and it doesn't matter what I think, but I suspect the depth of my certainty of your dingleberrytude will be hard to forget. But, you know, don't worry about it."
I think that's an accurate representation of what happened. Thanks for that!