I think David Letterman gave me his "stomach bug." All I know is: I have never been so violently ill in my entire life. This is miserable. Also (DISGUSTOID SPOILER): it's kind of not fair that if you don't eat anything all day, you'll still vomit bile HARSHLY all night. SORRY.
Intelligent Designer vs. The Theory of Levis-olution
Nowhere has the science vs. religion debate raged the hardest than in the Levi's commercials of the 1970s. See for yourself.
The Case for a Holy Creator:
Hmmm...the mysterious stranger that arrives in town and shows everyone "the way?" Obviously, it's Jesus Christ...in plaid flares. The elements of fear and coercion are perhaps the most salient religious themes in this TERRIFYING PARABLE. Doesn't that Dacron Polyester make you just want to turn the other cheek? Yes, we most certainly had a creator, and he sure had style.
The Case for Evolution:
Here we see Levi's coming down on the side of science. Don't even try to prove that you and your 501s didn't evolve from a groovy caterpillar.
The Case for Ambiguity:
So which is true? As this commerical illustrates, there are no easy answers. The first half seems to scream, "You say we came from monkeys, eh? But monkeys eat bananas and are clearly morons," while the second half depicts a girl emerging from a flower, as if to reaffirm our ultimate origins in nature. Frustrating! Levi's, you sure make an effort to attack these thorny issues. One thing is for sure: I don't care what my kids learn about the origin of life, or where they learn it, for that matter;* I JUST WANT MY LEVI'S!
*Yeah, JK. Intelligent design is, at its core, a fallacy of relative determinism, and stupid. Huzzah!
In 8th grade, my Health teacher made us all walk around class with paper plates on our backs. Everybody had to write an anonymous positive comment about each person on his or her plate. When I took off my plate and looked at it, "You are SO funny!" was written 18 times and "I LOVE your necklace" was written once.